Monday, November 16, 2015

How To Install Battery on Our Car

Below are the tips how to install battery on our car.
·         Wear safety glasses while handling the battery
·         Follow the manufacture’s directions to avoid damage to the computer and the vehicle’s electrical system
·         Make sure that you recognize the positive terminal of the battery (+) and turn off all electrical accessories before disconnecting the battery.
·         Disconnecting the ground cable first to avoid any dangerous sparking around the battery
·         Replace the battery
·         Cable terminals should be brushed until shiny and opened wide so that they slip easily over the battery post without force.
·         Be sure the marked positive (+) cable is connected to the positive terminal. Connect the negative (-) cable at the end to prevent dangerous sparks.
·         Do not over tighten the terminal bolts
·         Coat the terminals and exposed metal parts around the battery with a good quality protection spray.
That’s all. I hope that’s can help us to make durable battery. You also need to read How toCare Dry Battery.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Signs of Discharged Battery

Vehicle owner must know about this one issue. They must know signs of discharge battery. On this way they will know what must they doing to their vehicle. Bellow is the signs of discharged battery.
When we find our vehicle Engine does not start or Head light becomes dim, or Horn sound weak that’s means our battery is discharged. So, we must check several things, such as the battery voltage, the battery specific gravity. The normal battery voltage is 12 volt and normal specific gravity sulphuric acid is 1400.
To check the battery voltage we need a battery tester. This tool also can check battery cell condition.

We can check the battery specific gravity using Hydrometer.

 Finally, when we meet the battery condition is discharged; we should charge the battery as soon as possible.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

How Daily Maintenance Battery

We need to know how daily maintenance battery to keep battery on best condition does. First, we need to check battery, terminal parts, battery holder, specific gravity of electrolyte and electrolyte level periodically if there are problems.

Nagoya Battery

Keep the electrolyte level to the proper height (upper level) by adding distilled water only. Never use diluted sulphuric acid in lieu of distilled water. In the cold season, electrolyte should be agitated fully by gassing during charge after adding distilled water.
Keep the outside battery clean and dry. If terminal parts get rusty ignition became hard, charge becomes impossible. If the terminal cable rust is observed, remove the rust with water or hot water and dry up. Apply with a good quality protective spray after polishing.
Keep the battery fully charged and battery should be charged once a month in stock.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Use Parallel or Series Battery Charger?

There is many opinion of how to charge battery. We would have no problem when we charge a single battery. And the problem is appearing when we charge multiple batteries. Basically, the best way to charge battery is single type. We use one battery charger for one battery. But, what must we do when charge many battery? What way will we choose to charge multiple batteries? Charge batteries use series connection or charge batteries use parallel connection.
As a battery charger service owned, I will share my opinion based on my 10 years experience, since 2005. Also, I will compare with the article and comment on I’ve read. I have series battery charger and parallel battery charger type, which I've used on my battery charge service store.

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Use Parallel Connection
When we connect different capacities batteries use parallel connection, we need big electric current. The electric current will divide to each battery. I've use smaller cable jumper to connect the smaller capacities battery. If we use the same cable size, the smaller battery will get the same electric current. And that's not good.
The benefit we choose parallel connection is the full battery will not flow with electric current. And that's good for our battery.
Use Series Connection
When we connect different capacities batteries using series connection, we need high electric voltage. Small battery will be full before the bigger one. Series connection set electric current still flow, although battery is fully. And that's not good.

Friday, July 24, 2015

How to Use Series Battery Charger

As I wrote earlier, that among the ways to charge our battery is series connection method. For this time, I will share how to charge our battery with a series connection, using series battery charger.
To be more easily understood, below a scheme the way to charge the battery with a series connection

Based on the above scheme we can understand the way to charge the batteries with a series connection is; we should connect the negative battery charger output to  the negative pole of first battery. Then, positive pole of first battery connecting to negative pole of second battery. And so on, the positive pole is connected to the negative pole. And the negative pole is connected to the positive pole.
For an example, we wanna charge 3 (three) 50 Ah (ampere hours) lead acid batteries use series battery charger. So, we need 13,7 Volt x 3 = 41,1 Volt battery charger output voltage. On this way, we only need little electric current. We can use a 10 Ampere output battery charger. Caution : we must be carefull