Friday, July 17, 2015

How To Make A Battery Charger

When we try to searching on search engine, how to make battery charger, we will find very much theory and scheme, from the simple theory to the complex theory. From conventional battery charger scheme until automatic battery charger scheme. From the series-type to parallel-type. Everything is available. We just need to choose where we want to stay?
Now, from the many battery charger scheme that we see, basically have one thing in common, changing the voltage from 220 Volt AC power source into 13.5 Volt or 15 volt DC voltage.
Therefore, we can make a simple battery charger at home. The electronic components which we need to make a battery charger is also very simple.
1.       Step-down Transformer (20 Ampere)
2.       Bridge Diode 35 Ampere
3.      Cable
This is the way how to make a battery charger. A step-down transformer function is to lower the voltage from power source, 220 Volt to 13, 5 volts or 15 volts. But in general transformer sold in the market only provide several options including output voltage of 12 volts and 15 volts. Then we should select the output of 15 volts.
And there, the voltage is still on AC type, and we need to change. 
Bridge Diode function is to change the voltage AC (alternating) into a DC voltage (unidirectional). We need to choose the bridge diodes size is above the size of the transformer. For this case we use 20 amperes transformer, then we should use a diode 35 amperes or above.
Then why choose the bridge diode? This is the simple reason, because the bridge diode is a combination of four diodes, which we do not have arranged them alone.
Bellow id the scheme of how to make a battery charger

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